Copyright © Thomas Fetter
My favorite rocket, when I was in high school, was a design by Tom Milkie published in the March 1969 issue of Model Rocketry magazine.  This was a very unusual design in that the two motors were mounted ahead of the fins, canted outward 15 degrees from the body tube.  The design looked cool and was unlike any other rocket I had in my fleet.  So I built the Bifurcon. 

Fast forward a number of years, and I am once again building rockets.  But despite having graduated to high power, I still had the fondest memory for the Bifurcon.  So I decided it was time to build another Bifurcon.

Rocket Projects>
Rocket Projects
This section contains a look as some of my favorite and more interesting rocket projects

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Flight Data Analysis

Tools & Techniques

Rocket Projects




Vertical Trajectory System (VTS) Project
I started my vertical trajectory system project at the beginning of 2022.  It uses canrards to contol the spin and steer the rocket on a vertical trajectory.  It is an ongoing project that I will document here...more

ebay Configurations

There are many ways to configure eBays used to house the altimeters for parachute deployment.  I have always found it helpful to see what configurations other people use.  Here is an overview of the various ebay configurations I use...more